frontend: Miheer HTML design, search bar, bug fixes

devops: Eashaan AWS deployment, github deployment, csp connection

backend: Anagha Connecting an API that provides data and analytics from front end to back end regarding information on stocks and the market.

scrum master: Eshaan Memory based log in page, database management

We plan to push and pull with github to share our work after communicating with the team to decide if what we’re doing is what we want to have completed. We also plan to discuss ideas before following through with them and discussing the pros and cons of each idea. When we encounter any problems we will file an issue and have a dedicated member fix it. We also plan to implement AI to help us in the brainstorming and problem solving process which we will credit.

Design: We plan to create a homepage with a log in upon the first look, when you create or log into your account you will redirected to the home page. The home page will have a search bar for stocks and the tabs will have certain categories to view from. This data will all come from the API. We plan to put charts for each stock which may prove to be hard even with an API due to the constant volatility of the stocks. The user has options to favorite/track a stock which will make it easily accesible on the home page and it will involve storing data based on the users id. We also want to provide a general overview of each stock such as, “70% good investment by professionals”, or, “We Recommend You: Short”.