Shell Commands

  • wsl to open my Ubuntu ecosystem in terminal
  • cd to change directories and get to /home/eshaan/vscode/csa
  • git push to push changes after I commit
  • apt install to install dependencies and packages I need
  • ./ to run a script from the portfolio_2025 directory and install my tools

Version Control

  • Files from GitHub placed on my machine by git pull, navigate these through ubuntu with cd for directory and code . to open in vscode
  • Files updated in GitHub as I make changes, commit, and push. I navigate these files on the web interface for GitHub
  • git pull to update the template with Mr. Mort’s changes
  • On my repo, update the template by changing _config.yml, Makefile,, navigation files, and the theme/structure
  • I will add a time box because that is applicable for CSA and helps me organize my files

Localhost vs Deployed Server

  • Localhost is just on my machine, deployed server can be seen anywhere
  • Localhost URL:
  • Nobody else can see my changes
  • GitHub Pages URL:
  • Deployed, world can see my changes

DNS and GitHub Pages

  • Yes, the domain on my GitHub Pages is where all my deployed pages are nested:
  • Yes, my URL is different from others’ because mine is specific to my github username eshaank1

Tool Check

  • All tools working
  • No issues encountered, all installation commands and scripts worked properly

Git Version

Input: git --version
Output: git version 2.34.1

Ruby Version

Input: ruby --version
Output: ruby 3.0.2p107 (2021-07-07 revision 0db68f0233) [x86_64-linux-gnu]

Python Version

Input: python --version
Output: Python 3.10.12

Jupyter Kernels:

Input: jupyter kernelspec list
Output: Available kernels:
  python3    /home/eshaan/vscode/csa/venv/share/jupyter/kernels/python3

Verify GitHub config:

Input: git config --global --list

Verify enviornment variables:

(venv) eshaan@EshaansLaptop:~/vscode/csa$ echo $project_dir
(venv) eshaan@EshaansLaptop:~/vscode/csa$ echo $project
(venv) eshaan@EshaansLaptop:~/vscode/csa$ echo $posts
(venv) eshaan@EshaansLaptop:~/vscode/csa$ echo $notebooks 
(venv) eshaan@EshaansLaptop:~/vscode/csa$ echo $project_repo


  • Added my homepage picture from CSP
  • Added a button to pick a steelers player and display
    • Ran into errors here with the color of text not showing up
    • Fix was using yellow in the CSS style code, found by researching my issue on ChatGPT and StackOverflow

Ideation Process

  • Come up with idea: steelers player picker
  • Implement idea with CSS code prep for button and text
  • Test on localhost with make
  • Saw failure on text color, researched bugs on ChatGPT and StackOverflow
  • Found fix and implemented in CSS style code
  • Tested again on localhost with make
  • Saw success, committed and pushed to GitHub repo
  • Tested on deployed site, works