Blog on me and my team:

  • Our project was good as it provided a useful tool for people, especially those interested in stocks
  • However, it could be improved upon as the UI was not very appealing and user-friendly and could be much better, like the CSA groups I observed
  • From feedback, I will add a better UI for my individual CPT project as well as change the database structure to more easily manage the larger values as they had issues coming through
  • Pictures of people I talked to on my phone to demo

CS Natm Event:

  • I was impressed by one of the CSA groups becuase they had very good UI design
  • I was impressed by that same group as their idea was very applicable to us at students, their project enabled students to compare schedules and directly message each other
  • They also integreated this with our unique PUSD student IDs which was very cool as it related to us as PUSD students
  • They also used a sqlite database with GET requests similar to we did in CSP this trimester
  • An improvement they could have made was asynchronous refreshing of messages in the backend instead of constant requests between frontend and backend
  • I could implement their idea of JWT cookies into my own project features

Photography Natm Event:

  • I liked a picture I saw in Photography as it showed a beautiful red sunset setting over a wet road after a storm
  • This picture especially appealed to me as I recognized the road in the picture, it is in my neighborhood and I had driven and walked down it many times before