Eshaan Kumar’s About Me

This is about my journey. Take a look around!

Facts About Me

My name is Eshaan Kumar. I am from San Diego, California. My family is from India. I have a younger brother who is in 8th grade. I enjoy watching movies, listening to music, watching football, playing tennis, and playing fantasy football. I also enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I am a Junior at Del Norte High School.

Class Schedule

Period 1: AP English Language

Period 2: AP Calculus BC

Period 3: US History

Period 4: AP Physics C Mechanics

Period 5: AP Computer Science Principles

Agile Mindset

I possess an agile mindset as I love collaboration and working in pairs/teams, as well as helping and receiving help from others. I am also determined and will work hard to do well in this class and I am willing to put the time in.