
  • Eshaan: Scrum Master
  • Brandon: Frontend/JavaScript
  • Aaron: Backend/Python
  • Ninaad: Dev Ops

PBL Vocabulary

  • Authentic Assessment: An evaluation method in PBL that focuses on real-world application of knowledge and skills.
  • Scaffolded Learning: The process of providing support and guidance to students as they work through a complex task in PBL.
  • Rubric: A scoring guide used to assess the quality of student work and their performance on PBL projects.
  • Reflection: A critical step in PBL where students analyze their learning experiences, identify challenges, and plan for improvement.
  • Project Driving Question: A central question that guides the inquiry and problem-solving process in PBL.
  • Formative Assessment: Ongoing assessments during a PBL project that inform instruction and help students make improvements.
  • Summative Assessment: An evaluation of student learning at the end of a PBL project to determine overall understanding and achievement.
  • Team Roles: Assigned responsibilities within a PBL team to ensure efficient project completion.

Agile Vocabulary

  • Scrum: A specific Agile framework that divides work into time-boxed iterations called sprints.
  • User Story: A concise, informal description of a feature or functionality from an end-user perspective.
  • Product Backlog: A prioritized list of features, enhancements, and bug fixes in Agile development.
  • Sprint Planning: The process of selecting and prioritizing items from the product backlog for a sprint.
  • Daily Standup: A short daily meeting where team members in Agile projects share progress, challenges, and plans.
  • Velocity: A measure of the amount of work a development team can complete in a single sprint.
  • Product Owner: The person responsible for defining and prioritizing the product backlog in Agile.
  • Sprint Review: A meeting held at the end of a sprint to demonstrate completed work to stakeholders.
  • Kanban: An Agile methodology that emphasizes visualizing work, limiting work in progress, and continuous improvement.
  • Burn Down Chart: A visual representation of the remaining work in a sprint or project over time.

Identifying and Correcting Errors

Identifying and Correcting Errors is an important part of coding, especially as the code gets more complex.

Tester Function


# Create a test function to add 2 values
def add(a, b):
    print("Add two numbers and return the result only if it is positive.")
    result = a + b
    # Check if the result is negative (IF/ELSE STATEMENT)
    if (result <= 0):
        print("IF/ELSE ERROR: Result should be a positive number.")
    # Check if the result is negative (CATCH STATEMENT)
    assert result >= 0, print("CATCH ERROR: Result should be a positive number.")
    # Return either the value or the error
    return result

# Testing the function
result1 = add(5, 3)  # This should pass without errors
print("Result 1:", result1)

result2 = add(-9, 8)  # This should raise an error since it is a negative result
print("Result 2:", result2)
Add two numbers and return the result only if it is positive.
Result 1: 8
Add two numbers and return the result only if it is positive.
IF/ELSE ERROR: Result should be a positive number.
CATCH ERROR: Result should be a positive number.


AssertionError                            Traceback (most recent call last)

/tmp/ipykernel_19166/ in <module>
     18 print("Result 1:", result1)
---> 20 result2 = add(-9, 8)  # This should raise an error since it is a negative result
     21 print("Result 2:", result2)

/tmp/ipykernel_19166/ in add(a, b)
     10     # Check if the result is positive (CATCH STATEMENT)
---> 11     assert result >= 0, print("CATCH ERROR: Result should be a positive number.")
     13     # Return either the value or the error

AssertionError: None

Identifying and Correcting Errors in my Group

  • Ninaad: Ninaad couldn’t figure out how to add a line before printing his output so with his Agile mindset he brought this issue up in our Slack collaboration channel and the rest of us were able to help him research and figure out that he needed a \n in his print statements to bring up a new line
  • Aaron: Aaron had an issue with adding number variables in a single line, so with his Agile mindset he brought this issue up in our Slack collaboration channel and the rest of us were able to help him research and we figured out he needed to put an int() before the variable in Python to define it as an integer