Skills Learned
- Collaboration/Teamwork (Agile Mindset, Slack, Scrum Boards)
- Git/Github version control
- Deployment (AWS)
- Frontend (Javascript, HTML, CSS)
- Backend (Python, Flask, APIs)
- Databases and data storage
- Local Code Testing (Make, Docker, Postman)
- WSL/Ubuntu file systems, terminal, and bash commands
Projects/Tasks Completed
- Created a thorough blog to show my progress and learning through this class
- Created a functioning chat project with deployment, backend, and frontend code
- Created a thorough lesson plan for a College Board topic and presented to our class
Trimester 2 Goals
- I hope to learn more frontend skills such as HTML, CSS, and Javascript because I focused on the backend and Python Flask this trimester
- I hope to make more projects with frontend/backend, especially interesting things to me such as games
- I hope to learn more about AWS Deployment and maybe make custom domains for my sites
- I hope to make a favicon for my blog and my projects because it adds a cool element