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var personalObj = {
    firstname: "Eshaan",
    lastname: "Kumar",
    age: 16,
    grade: 11,
    school: "Del Norte High School",
    city: "San Diego",
    classlist: ["AP English Language", "AP Calculus BC", "US History", "AP Physics C", "AP Computer Science Principles"],   
    sport: "Tennis",
    hobbies: ["hanging out with friends", "listening to music", "watching movies"],
    interests: ["computer science", "engineering"]
var age = 16;
var firstname = "Eshaan";


console.log("Object: mutating the interests array key to economics and finance");
personalObj.interests = ["economics", "finance"];

console.log("In 5 years I will be:");
console.log(personalObj.age + 5);

console.log("If Billy is half my age Billy is:");

console.log(typeof personalObj)
console.log(typeof age)
console.log(typeof firstname)
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>